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Achieve Archives - MSM, LLC
Jan 072012

Learning Strategies in 2012+ – RESEARCH

RESEARCH that Directly Supports Classroom and Online Sustained, Student Success, Performance Improvement Outcomes; 260+Resources, as of 06/05/17, with 100’s of Hyperlinks and Growing

Tom McDonald, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC., 1/6/12

learning strategies

learning strategies

learning strategies

You also may find  “Supporting Articles Validating the Urgent Need for Education Reform” Pages 1-5 interesting

Bill Brandon, in Learning Solutions Magazine, does a very nice job of identifying the new learning strategies in his 12/30/11 article

The new long term, learning model is below, with additional, supporting, documentation. Those that come closest to this new, truly personalized,  disruptive, learning model, will achieve individual, critical, learning , transfer, successful application, behavior change and adaptive reasoning skills, consistent with strategic individual/organizational objectives, in the shortest individual time possible (think differentiated instruction and differentiated reinforcement).

Those that hang on to the traditional one to many ‘sage on the stage’ approach (think event based lecture) will be left behind.

The New Long term, Learning Model:

(1)  Instructor facilitated, truly personalized, learning methodology, over time, (2) With instructor facilitated, truly personalized, reinforcement, over time, (3) In an instructor facilitated, truly personalized blended learning environment, over time,  (4) Supplemented by truly personalized learning technology.

Where individual long term, learning, = Instructor Facilitated, Appropriate:  initial understanding, ongoing reinforcement, fluency/mastery, recall (eliminating forgetting), application, stick/behavior change, in the most effective and most efficient way possible

This key question still remains:

If individual learning, of critical must know information to fluency,  in the shortest time possible, consistent with strategic organizational objectives  is the new mandate, why are we not changing to embrace the new model? Here are some possible weak reasons against change…and some strong arguments for change.

(1) I’m integrating personalized learning  and accelerated learning methodologies into my instruction…

…Spectacular! You are on the right path. Note that for affordable and scalable, differentiated instruction and differentiated reinforcement to occur (truly personalized learning), you need truly personalized learning technology. This will integrate research proven learning methodologies into your instruction as well as into your the learning software, empowering each participant with a consistent, personalized and customized learning plan, as well as individualized spacing,  pacing and reinforcement over time (customized to each individual).

(2) There are so many ‘learning technology’ choices available. I don’t know where to start…

…There are lots and lots of ‘learning technology’ choices, but you will find very few of them offer truly personalized learning technology (TPLT). Ask these questions to narrow your focus to truly personalized learning technology:  (a) Does your TPLT offer true differentiated learning and differentiated reinforcement?  (b) Does your TPLT allow for the assessment of individual student learning gaps and then create a customized learning plan for each student specific to their individual learning gaps? (c)  Does your TPLT allow you to monitor the learning progress of each individual participant? (d) Outline your TPLT individualized learning methodology. (e) Please send me the learning research theory & learning methodology that supports your TPLT learning platform. (f) Show me real examples of where your learning technology has advanced individual learning. (g) Can I see a demo of your TPLT where you demonstrate and explain your truely personalized approach?

Keep in mind that a one to many teaching methodology, (think lecture), individually delivered over cool technology, IS NOT personalized learning, nor is it truly personalized learning technology.

(3) The supporting/validating research is not there…

… This is just not the case. There is more than adequate learning research validating this new approach, including documented, real learning advances:

NOTE: On purpose, I have ceased updating the sequential numbering, here, due to it no longer providing real value for anyone. The number of individual resources is more than adequate to reflect a consistency of research and best practices, to measurably advance, sustained, student success, performance improvement outcome methodologies, for ALL students. IF your focus is only on the numbering and not on the content, you essentially have missed the forest from the trees.

1. Academia

2. Academic Impressions

3.  Academy for Innovative Higher Education Leadership

4. Achieve

5. Achieving the Dream

5. ACT

6. AdvancED

7. Affective Neuroscience Laboratory   UW Milwaukee


  • Ask if their online software platform is (1) 20th Century, factory based, traditional, one size fits all, or is (2) 21st Century, educationally innovative. Avoid the traditional one size fits all software platform

9. After School Alliance

10. Alliance for Excellent Education

11.  Alliance to Reform Education Leadership

12. Ambient Insight Research (Now named METAARI)

13. America Achieves

14. American Academy of Arts and Sciences

14. American Academy of Pediatrics

14. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

15. American Association of Community Colleges

16. American Council on Education (ACE)

17. American Educational Research Association (AERA)

18. American Federation for Children

19. American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

19. American Institutes for Research (AIR)

20. American Journal of Psychiatry

  • mpact of Early Intervention on Psychopathology, Crime, and Well-Being at Age 25

21. Annie E. Casey Foundation

22. Arnold Foundation (The Laura and John Arnold Foundation)

22. ASCD – Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

23. Aspen Institute

  • Education
  • National Commission Advocating Social and Emotional Development

 24. Association for Psychological Science

25.  Association of Computational and Mathematical Modeling (AoCMM)

25. Attendance Works

26. Australian Government Department of Education and Training

27. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite)

28. BABSON SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP – in the Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurial Research at Babson College

29. Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI)

29. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

30. Blackboard

30. Blended Learning Institute – BLU_; Formerly The Clayton Christensen Institute

31. Bloomberg

32. Brady Education Foundation

32. Brigham Young University

32.  Brookings

33. Burning Glass Technologies

33. Cambridge University Press

34.  Campaign for Grade Level Reading, The (Janz Ganz Cooney Center)

35. Campus Compact

36. CAPA – The Global Education Network

37. Carnegie

  • Wintergreen Orchard House
    • The College Finder
    • The College Sourcebook
    • Major Decisions: A Guide to College Majors

37. Center for American Progress

  • Hidden in Plain Sight, Understanding Part-Time College Students in America

37. Center for Analysis of Post Secondary Education and Employment (capsee)

38. Center for Community College Student Engagement – (CCCSE)

39. Center for Data Innovation

40. Center For Digital Education

41. Center for Education Data and Research (CEDR)

42.  Center for Education Innovation (CEI) – Mississippi

43. Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) – New York City

44. Center for Education Reform

45. Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

45. Center For Public Education (CPE)

45. Center for Reinventing Public Education (CRPE)

  • Financing Personalized Learning: What Can We Learn From First-Generation Adopters?

46. Center For Secondary School Redesign (CSSR)

  • What We Do

47. Center On International Education Benchmarking (CIEB)

48. Century Foundation

49. Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

49. Chapman Alliance – Bryan Chapman

50. Chiefs of Change; Johns Hopkins School of Education & Tembo

51. Chronicle of Higher Education

  • Executive Compensation at Private and Public Colleges

52. City and Guilds

53. Civic Enterprises

53. Clayton Christensen Institute

54. Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

55. College Board

56. Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce

57. Common Sense Education

  • Ed Tech Reviews and Resources

57. Community College Research Center –  (CCCR),  at Columbia University

58. Competency Based Education Network (C-BEN)

59. Connected Learning Research Network, The

60. Consortium for Advancing Adult Learning & Development (CAALD)

60. Consortium For School Networking (CoSN)

  • Focus Areas
  • Surveys:
  • CoSN Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Tool
    • Tool helps school technology leaders understand the costs associated with the computing environment. Versions of this free web-based tool have been used by over 2,000 public school districts, independent schools, and state and regional agencie
  • Framework of Essential Skills of the K-12 CTO

61. CORE Districts

61. Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

61. Council of Chief State School Officers – (CCSSO)

62. Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)

  • Research and Data

62. Credible

63. CREDO – Center for Research on Educational Outcomes at Stanford University

64. Data Quality Campaign

65. Deming Institute – The W. Edwards Deming Institute

66. Department for Education and Skills (DfES), The – UK

67. Digital Clarity Group

68. Digital Education Research Network – (DERN); Managed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), see above

69. Digital Learning Now!

  • “10 Elements of High Quality Digital Learning”
  • “Blended Learning Implementation Guide for Schools and Districts”
    • The Guide
  • “Funding the Shift to Digital Learning: Three Strategies for Funding Sustainable High-Access Environments”
  • “Data Backpacks: Portable Records & Learner Profiles”
  • “Getting Ready for Online Assessments”
  • “The Shift from Cohorts to Competency”; An In-Depth Look at Competency-Based Education
    • The Paper
  • The second annual Digital Learning Report Card is out, grading significant policy decisions (on a state-by-state basis) which “are advancing student-centric reforms, reducing barriers to blended learning, and encouraging the use of technology to offer a more personalized college- and career-ready education.”

70.  Digital Promise

71. DJS Research

72. Driving Toward a Degree

73. Duke University

73a. Dyslexia, 20 Useful Apps for Kids with Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities

74. EdSurgeNews

75. eCampus News

Research shows 3 ways going digital improves student performance

76. EDC

77. EdTechDigest

  • In-depth with big-hearted Mark Milliron of Civitas Learning.

77. Ed Tech Magazine

78. Edtech World Tour

  • Learning from Best Practices Around the World in Education Innovation
    • Beyond the Hype : Mapping Edtech Clusters and Creating Open-Source Resources for a Refined Understanding of the Global Ecosystem
      • What are the key components of an ecosystem that an edtech startup needs to thrive?

79. EdTrust

79. Educational Psychologist

80. Education Dive

81. Education Elements

81. Education Evolving

82. EducationNext

82. Education Northwest

83. Education Schools Project

84. Education Technology Industry Network of SIIA  (ETIN) (SIIA)

85. Education  Trust

86. Educational Psychologist

87. Education Reform Now

88. Education Research Alliance of New Orleans

89. Education Week

90. Educators4Excellence

91. Educause

92. Edutopia


94. Effective School Improvement

94. Epic-ed

95. eSchool News

96. Evergreen Education Group; (

97. ExcelinEd

98. Facebook

99. Fast Track Project

  • Overview. 50CAN – 50-State Campaign for Achievement Now

100.  Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

  • “Sustaining Discovery in Biological and Medical Sciences,”

101. Fit 2 Learn

101. Flatiron School

101. Fordham Institute (Thomas B. Fordham)

102. Forrester 

  • Research
    • How to Select a Learning Management System

103. Franklin Foundation

  • Areas of Focus

104. Freidman Foundation for Educational Choice

105. Frontline Research and Learning Institute

106. Furman University

106. Future Ready Schools Initiative

107. Gallup

108. Gartner

108. Gates Foundation, The

109. General Assembly

110. Generation Study Abroad (Part of Institute of International Education – IIE)

111. Georgetown University

112. Georgia Institute of Technology

113. Getting Smart

114. Government Accounting Office (GAO)



  • Grade Inflation at American Colleges and Universities

115. Harvard University

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