MOOC: Massively Open Online Courses Are ‘Here to Stay’
MOOC: By Tanya Roscorla, on July 18, 2012 Policy & Technology
Massively Open Online Courses have slowly garnered attention. Called MOOCs, these courses are offered to anyone at no charge. Since they began on college campuses in 2008, large numbers of people have been taking these courses.
When 12 more top universities announced on Tuesday, July 17, that they will offer some of these online courses, the higher education community woke up to the reality that MOOCs will be a part of education’s future.
Tom McDonald’s Comments:

MOOCs ARE NOT educationally innovative.; They are one size fits all. They are not the wave of the future
Individual learning outcomes will be optimized only if brain based, research proven, classroom proven, learning methodologies are integrated into the learning experience of each and every student.
This is certainly a step in the right direction, but does not parallel the new learning model of: “instructor facilitated, truly personalized, learning, over time with instructor facilitated, truly personalized reinforcement, over time, in an instructor facilitated, truly personalized, blended learning environment, over time”
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