Non-Traditional Schools
A Call to Action to Improve the Quality of Full-Time Virtual Charter Public Schools
Non-Traditional Schools –Â National Alliance For Public Charter Schools;Â

Unproductive, Peer Pressure, that Suppresses Positive, Student Success, Performance Improvement Outomes Change
The Problem:
Non-Traditional Schools – Currently, more than 180,000 students attend 135 full-time virtual charter schools in 23 states and the District of Columbia. While some students do well in a full-time virtual charter school environment, too many of these schools are not providing a quality educational program to the vast majority of their students, while enrolling too many who are simply not a good fit for attending a fully online school.
In this report, A Call to Action to Improve the Quality of Full-Time Virtual Charter Public Schools, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the 50-State Campaign for Achievement Now (50CAN) and the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) propose specific policy recommendations to help states better hold full-time virtual charter schools accountable for student results.
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA)
The Solution:
Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge: TPACK
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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752