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Teaching vs. Learning Archives - MSM, LLC
Jan 142017

Student Performance Improvement

Student Performance Improvement: Advancing, Individual, Sustained, Relevant, Skills for ALL Students

Empowering ALL School Districts, ALL Teachers, to Empower ALL Students with Advanced, Student Success, Sustained, Performance Improvement Outcomes

Student Performance Improvement: By Tom McDonald, January, 14, 2017

Student Performance Improvement – Education exists to empower ALL students with effective, efficient, consistent, affordable, relevant, sustained, student success outcomes, that result in individual student, sustained, performance improvement outcomes.

This infographic, even though it is labeled corporate learning, nicely reflects incumbent, traditional educations teaching, that at best, provides initial understanding to some students, (yesterday/today), vs. learning, (today/tomorrow), that advances sustained, individual, performance improvement outcomes

Yesterday/Today; 20th Century, One size fits all, sage on the stage, teaching to the middle, lecture, powerpoint, video, word document, Pdf. file, delivered face to face, or over common technology (traditional eLearning), at best provides, superficial, initial understanding, that will soon be forgotten,  for only some of the students (the middle 30%).

This teaching approach WILL NOT, effectively, efficiently, consistently and affordably, empower teachers, to empower students, with 21st century skills, that advance, individual student, sustained, performance improvement outcomes, for all students.

Students do not ‘deep’ learn this way.

Today/Tomorrow: The supporting research is solid, that that for students to effectively, efficiently, consistently and relevantly learn, key information, that empowers each and every student with sustained, relevant, performance improvement outcomes, incumbent, traditional, 20th century, teaching MUST be completely and totally replaced by 21st century, facilitated and reinforced, adaptive learning, supported by, educationally innovative software, implemented at the district level and facilitated within each classroom.

This is how individuals ‘deep’ learn. This empowers all teachers to empower all students with effective, efficient, consistent, deep, adaptive, learning methodology, that results in individual student sustained success.

The questions we must ask ourselves are:

WHY would we habitually, perpetuate an ineffective, inefficient, inconsistent, flawed system of teaching that doesn’t empower our teachers, to empower our students, with the desired 21st century skills?

Percent of Ed Tech Leaders Surveyed Whose Districts Have Invested in Personalized Learning: 97%

The Paradox of Classroom Technology: Despite Proliferation and Access, Students Not Using Technology for Learning

“Disrupting Traditional PD.” Practice What You Preach!

Why do 97% of ed tech leaders say they have invested in personalized learning, but the research shows their students ARE NOT using technology for learning?

Why, with increased accountability, that isn’t going away, why would educators embrace an incumbent, flawed system of teaching, that does not empower them to be successful?

Why do individual educators want to work harder, trying to jam a square, flawed, 20th century teaching, peg, in a round 21st century learning hole, rather than working smarter?

Someone needs to explain this thinking to me.

student performance improvement

Teaching vs. Learning


Active Learning vs. Lecture

Americans Spending At Least $1.5 Billion in College Remediation Courses; Middle Class Pays the Most

Culture Change: How 200+ K-12 Schools Have Scaled Systems and Processes 

Education Change Teaching to Learning

Educator Improvement

K-12 Accountability

Online Teaching vs Online Learning

Pedagogy Ed Tech

Professional Development



TPACK 101: This video podcast describes the importance of integrating technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge into classrooms (TPACK)

Want to Fix Education? Give a Kid a Tutor

Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching


Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752 student performance improvement