Jun 172012

Sales Analysis Questions to Ask at Mid-Year

Sales Analysis: By Bryce Record on Tue, Jun 12, 2012

You’ve practically made it halfway through the year. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? The answer will naturally vary from person to person. One constant remains though – mid-year is a natural time to analyze your current status as an organization. There will be many important sales meetings to fully understand where you stand, and if it is still possible to have a successful year. As you prepare to thoroughly analyze your sales performance for the first half of 2012, below are a few questions that you should keep in mind:

Are your sales territories still balanced / aligned / optimized? There are tons of ways to optimize and balance your territories (revenue potential, average revenue, customers, opportunities, etc.). Not only that, but there are tons of factors that can affect your sales territories from week to week (market shifts, competitors, etc). When was the last time you checked to see if your territories were producing the way you envisioned? If your numbers are behind where they should be during June, mid-year provides an excellent platform for reviewing and fixing up your sales territories.

sales analysis





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