Employee Education: Targeting Employee Education for Digital Natives
Employee Education: Ladan Nikravan – 8/24/11, via Clomedia.com
Employee Education: To meet the needs of the future workforce, learning leaders must know how to reach employees who have grown up with wide access to technology. Hereâs how.

âThis is a generation that is characterized by its openness and willingness to share,â said Michelle Manafy, co-author of Dancing with Digital Natives. âDigital natives will learn best in open, collaborative, socially mediated environments. Given that their opinion has always mattered in the social networking environments in which they were raised, they want to feel their voice is heard, even as they learn about the larger picture.â
According to Manafy, many in older generations donât understand how collaborative learning at work can be effective. They are accustomed to a more top-down style and feel it would be distracting at best to teach in a more group-like, open, social setting. However, if organizations can leverage digital technologies, they might see added benefits such as building a repository of learning materials as each employee is trained, which in turn can be used by subsequent new hires.
Millennial generation students and employees, many of who are digital natives, expect to use their own technology and mobile devices for work and are increasingly choosing their place of employment based on how accommodating companies are to their personal technology preferences. Thereâs an increasing demand for high-tech devices to connect with colleagues, peers, friends and family, rather than face-to-face contact.
âDigital natives like to actively participate in the learning experience,â said Heidi Gautschi, co-author of Dancing with Digital Natives. âThere needs to be a give and take between the instructor and the learners. Generally speaking, this group wonât respond well to a rigid, hierarchical educational setting.
âIn terms of employee education, it is also important to take into account the digital nativeâs work habits. These are people who donât necessarily have the same expectations in terms of separating work from personal life. The education experience doesnât have to take place in a traditional setting, nor during traditional work hours.â
One of the difficulties organizations face is capturing both tacit and explicit knowledge â when employees change departments or move on, their know-how often leaves with them. According to Gautschi, by tapping into digital nativesâ knowledge-sharing skills and their social use of technology, companies could build rich and interactive knowledge repositories.
âIf organizations opt for a more collaborative learning environment, it will be more beneficial in both the long and short term,â Gautschi said. âCompanies will be able to train new hires more effectively and more efficiently. Employee education will become more flexible and more effective if companies are able to modify their training approaches to truly meet digital nativesâ expectations as well as offer them the types of structures that will enable them to learn best.â
According to the authors, itâs important to find a balance between new and old forms of employee education. For example, building online and offline networks as part of the training experience will help employees learn from each other and capture and share knowledge. These types of networks can also give digital natives the sense that they are valued members of the organization they work for and possibly compel them to further participate in the network.
Many companies are already reaping collaborative, online learningâs benefits. For example, integrated food and facilities management services firm Sodexo developed a virtual management training program, Education Market Summer Training, in 2009 to better train 4,500 education market managers scattered across all 50 states and across the globe. The company recognized that a training effort conducted in the summer would allow the organization to regroup, reorganize and implement new concepts and programs.
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