Jun 062012





Sales Presentation Toolset; Consistently Present & Document Your ‘Business Reason to Buy’:

  • “Improve the retention of your message by up to 38%”
  • “Reduce the time taken to explain your complex issues by up to 40%”
  • “Persuade your audience up to 43% more”
  • “Advance achievement of your goals from 33% to 67%…a 100% increase”
  • “Sway your audience up to 67% more”
  • “Be perceived as more professional”
 >> read more – click here, then page down


Schedule a Strategic Chat – Contact Information


Search 800+ Unique Posts on Learning,  Personalized Learning, Learning How to Learn,  Learning Research,  Learning Transfer,  Blended Learning, eLearning,  Personalized Learning Technology,  Sales Performance Improvement,  Human Capital Performance Improvement and much, much, more


McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC – M$M, LLC

Learning Optimized, Behavior Changed, Performance Advanced

 Performance Improvement:
>“300% Improvement in Retained Learning per Hour of Study”
>“Strategic Performance Improvement Consulting”
>“Management reported a 300% increase in sales, within a 6-month period after training”
>(VI). “Historical Sales Competency Improvement of:  596%
Historical Training ROI of:  1148%
——————————>“Management reported negotiated contracts that earned the company an extra two million dollars in profit per negotiator over the previous year”——————————->“Reduce Turnover from 15 to 50+%”——————————->Integrate sales training (coached learning over time) with sales implementation (coached reinforcement over time) to advance participant sales performance









Related Sales ==================================================================

To Discuss how these Solutions will add value for you, your organization and/or your clients, Affinity/Resale Opportunities, and/or Collaborative Efforts, Please Contact:

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

sales presentation, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC