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Organizational Goals Archives - MSM, LLC
Sep 212011

Organizational Goals: Align Training with the Highest Organizational Goals

Organizational Goals: By Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick posted on September 21, 2011 11:00
organizational goals
The Kirkpatricks often see people confusing training goals with organizational goals. Organizational goals are the highest mission and purpose of an organization. An example in a for-profit company is meeting client needs with the right products at the right time, in a way that is profitable for the company.In a not-for-profit organization, the goal is usually the reason the organization was created. For example, to ensure a clean water supply, save lives, or manage the financial resources of the country for the most good.Every major training initiative should be tied to the highest goals and key directives of the organization. Here are a few ways to discover them:
  • Read the “about us” section of the company website.
  • Look at mission and vision statements, and what types of messages are posted on the walls of the office.
  • Ask your boss about the highest priorities or directives for each department this quarter / year.
  • If appropriate, request to attend strategy and planning meetings, even if just an observer to start. Or, ask your boss for a summary of what was discussed.

Once you are clear on the key initiatives and  goals, look at the training programs that are consuming the most time, money and resources. Is there a direct link between them? If not, re-evaluate if training resources are properly allocated.


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organizational goals, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC