Apr 292011

Training Evaluation: Predictive Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

Training Evaluation: Dave Basarab, V.A.L.E. Consulting, Tue, Apr 19, 2011

training evaluationOne aspect of Predictive Evaluation (PE) is to seek small improvements in course design, delivery, and transfer with the objective of increasing adoption and impact. Continuous improvement is one of the tools that underpin the philosophies of PE. Through constant study and revision of Intention, Adoption, and Impact, better training occurs, resulting in increased impact. Continuous Improvement is a set of activities designed to bring gradual but continual improvement to training results through constant review.  The key activities are..

Focus on the stakeholder. Training is designed, developed, and delivered to meet stakeholder requirements and needs. To accomplish this, stakeholders were solicited in the planning phase and their requirements were built into the PE predictions. A decision is then made by stakeholders as to proceed with training, based on the attractiveness of benefits (value) to be gained. Intention, Adoption, and Impact results are then measured from the perspective of the stakeholder.

A preventive approach. “Do it right the first time” instead of correcting through evaluation (inspection) if possible. This requires a systematic instructional design process (such as ADDIE [Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation]) to ensure that the training will deliver the Intention, Adoption, and Impact results that stakeholders require.

Management by data. Fact rather than supposition drives continuous improvement actions. PE data—communicated in the Dashboards against respective Success Gates—direct decision in improvements and outcomes.

Commit to ongoing improvement. Each time that Success Gates are reached, consider setting new and improved Intention, Adoption, or Impact success measures. PE is not a project or a task with a definite end point, but an ongoing commitment to seek out opportunities to deliver better results.

Cross-functional problem solving. Training problems do not usually fall neatly into a single function such as design, development, delivery, management support, etc. They usually call for solutions that cut horizontally across organizational functions. People with different responsibilities and talents need to develop habits of working together to improve training and its results.

Constancy of leadership commitment. A commitment to PE continuous improvement must be a way of life, built into the fabric of the company. In most organizations, this represents a fundamental change in culture and values. Tenacious and visible commitment of top leadership to PE is required if employees inside and outside of the training function are to be motivated to make the investment to change.

Dave Basarab, V.A.L.E . Consulting, http://www.davebasarab.com/


Related Training Evaluation Information:







Learning Optimized, Behavior Changed, Performance Advanced

My deliverables to you are: (I) Improved Learning Outcomes and Increased Competence; a. Retention to fluency (95% vs. 28%), b. Behavior change through accountable reinforcement, c. Improved application, d. Advanced individual performance and e. Advanced organization performance.

You will ensure that every person reaches true mastery* in the shortest amount of time. Mastery* produces people who have the adaptive reasoning skills required to effectively apply knowledge to new situations.

*Mastery is required where appropriate information application is critical to achieve a desired outcome; For example, Education: K-12, Higher, Corporate, Government; Medical; Medical Continuing Medical Education – Performance Improvement; Safety; Sales Performance; Aviation; Military; Individual Certifications and Individual Continuing Education.

McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC, Specialties:

Appropriate Application;   Behavior Change;  eLearning;   Employee Selection and Employee Development;   Human Capital Management;  Individual Performance Improvement;  Learning Performance Improvement;   Learning Retention and Reinforcement Improvement;   Organization Performance Improvement;   Workforce Development and Productivity;  Verbal Skills Simulation and Reinforcement;   Sales Performance Improvement;   Web-Based (SaaS/Cloud) Solutions

To Discuss how these Solutions will add value for you, your organization and/or your clients, Affinity/Resale Opportunities, and/or Collaborative Efforts, Please Contact:

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

training evaluation, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC