Brain Research: How Current Brain Research Can Improve Education
Brain Research: June 23rd, 2011, eSchool News, eSchool News Staff (59 page downloadable pdf file)
From understanding how multimedia and physical exercise can affect classroom instruction, to appreciating the influence of art and reading on brain research and brain development, to taking the first steps in realizing the mind mechanics of autism, researchers know more today than ever before on what techniques can have the biggest impact on teaching and learning.
In this report, youâll discover how the brain reacts to:
- Visual learning and memory training
- Physical activity
- Arts and Language Arts
- Gaming
- New techniques for students with disabilities
- Early childhood education
We hope you enjoy, and find useful, this edition of STAR!
Go to page 2 for the full PDF reportÂ
Related Brain Research Reading:
Learning Optimized, Behavior Changed, Performance Advanced
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