Training Evaluation: Conducting an Effective Training Evaluation Interview

- Listen effectively. Be a good listener; know how to redirect a conversation to get the critical information as quickly as possible. Listen without judging.
- Prepare. Review the employeeâs Adoption and Impact Survey data prior to the interview.
- Ease on in. Start with easy to respond to questionsâjust follow the interview protocol.
- Set the tone. Let the interviewee know how the data will be used and that everything said will be held in strictest confidence. A standard phrase is this: âMary, I am an external consultant who has been hired by the company to evaluate the effectiveness of the XYZ Training Course. You have been selected from the people who completed the course survey last week. I am interested in how you have applied what you learned in class and what impact it has had on you, your team, or the company. What you tell me will be held in strictest confidence. I may, however, include your story in a summary report without your name. Are you okay to proceed?â Also, express your appreciation for the time that participants have taken to talk to you. Explain how the interview will proceed and then try to follow that format as closely as possible.
- Use the script. Follow the interview protocol.
- Listen to your instincts. As you hear things regarding Adoption and Impact, continue to probe until you feel you have uncovered everything.
- Know what you want. If youâve set aside thirty minutes for the inter-view, do your best to stick with that schedule. But be prepared to cut the interview short and jump to the concluding questions. Donât waste your time or the intervieweeâs if you are not talking about Impact data. The most common things that interviewees bring up that side-track you are discussing how well they liked the class, complaining about the company in general, etc.
- Write it down. Forget about remembering everything that transpires during an interview. Youâll want to take notes so that you can review at a later time. This is especially important if youâre interviewing many people.
- Probe. As you uncover areas that you feel are promising, investigate further by asking probing questions. Some common probing questions are as follows:
- Tell me more about that.
- When you did that, what was the result?
- How did you do that?
- What did you do specifically? What was the result?
- You mentioned [insert his/her result]; can you place a metric on that result? What is the metric
Additional Training Evaluation Reading:
Learning Optimized, Behavior Changed, Performance Advanced
My deliverables to you are: (I) Improved Learning Outcomes and Increased Competence; a. Retention to fluency (95% vs. 28%), b. Behavior change through accountable reinforcement, c. Improved application, d. Advanced individual performance and e. Advanced organization performance.
You will ensure that every person reaches true mastery* in the shortest amount of time. Mastery* produces people who have the adaptive reasoning skills required to effectively apply knowledge to new situations.
*Mastery is required where appropriate information application is critical to achieve a desired outcome; For example, Education: K-12, Higher, Corporate, Government; Medical; Medical Continuing Medical Education â Performance Improvement; Safety; Sales Performance; Aviation; Military; Individual Certifications and Individual Continuing Education.
McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC, Specialties:
Appropriate Application; Â Behavior Change;Â eLearning;Â Â Employee Selection and Employee Development;Â Â Human Capital Management;Â Individual Performance Improvement;Â Learning Performance Improvement;Â Â Learning Retention and Reinforcement Improvement;Â Â Organization Performance Improvement; Â Workforce Development and Productivity;Â Verbal Skills Simulation and Reinforcement;Â Â Sales Performance Improvement;Â Â Web-Based (SaaS/Cloud) Solutions
To Discuss how these Solutions will add value for you, your organization and/or your clients, Affinity/Resale Opportunities, and/or Collaborative Efforts, Please Contact:
Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752