Training Evaluation: Predictive Evaluation and Other Training Evaluation Approaches
Is Predictive Evaluation for you? How is it different than other training evaluation approaches? Â
Traditional evaluation efforts focus on costs and numbers, not on forecasting financial return. Training groups rarely predict the value-add of their training to the company before the training is undertaken. At best, they provide information about costs, who and how many will be trained, and the training schedule. As a result, management views training in cost and activity terms, not in terms of its financial value to the organization.
Predictive Evaluation focuses on the predicted impact and its value-add to the organization. Integrated with instruction design activities, enables the training function to forecast (predict) the quantifiable impact of training.This allows management to judge potential training investments in terms of predicted business results and value returned.
Traditional evaluation is after-the-fact, with no measures of success. Although most do an end-of-course evaluation, relatively few evaluate transfer or impact on business results.Those that do, perform evaluation at the completion of training, thus leaving little or no opportunity to improve the results.
Predictive Evaluation employs repeated measures that mirror employeesâ path to improved performance with predicted Success Gates. PE provides management with high-value training data, including (1) predictions of success in the three areas of Intention,Adoption, and Impact; (2) leading indicators of future adoption (transfer of learning); (3) business dashboards showing Impact (return on investment in the form of business results); and (4) recommendations for continuous improvement while training is being delivered.
Traditional ROI and/or Cost-Benefit evaluation. ROI evaluation, when it is attempted by trainers, often overrelies on subjective estimates of the percentage of return. An ROI figure has little value for making decisions about the program. Cost-benefit evaluation requires significant use of statistics to provide useful data. Both types of evaluation are conducted well after training has concluded and do not provide data that can be used to improve the program in real time.
Predictive Evaluation provides concrete, business-focused, and evidence-based data on return on investment. Data collection is robust and rigorous, and management finds the data far more compelling, convincing, and useful.
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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752