Impact of Study Abroad on Retention and Success

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Jul 182014

Impact of Study Abroad on Retention and Success:

Research Findings:

University of Georgia (system wide):

• The University of Georgia System implemented the Georgia Learning Outcomes of Students Studying Abroad Research Initiative (GLOSSARI). The GLOSSARI methodology avoids inflating the impact of study abroad on graduation rates by only comparing students who have persisted to the same stages of their college careers. Thus a student who studied abroad following her junior year was compared only with other students who likewise had completed their junior years (but who chose not to study abroad). For some analyses, the GLOSSARI methodology also uses statistical controls to equate students on the basis of the semester just prior to the study abroad experience.
• Students who studied abroad had a 17.8% higher 4-year graduation rate.
• Students of color who studied abroad had a 17.9% higher 4-year graduation rate.
• African-American students who studied abroad had a 31.2% higher four-year graduation rate.
• African-Americans who studied abroad had 6-year graduation rates roughly the same as white students who studied abroad (84.4% vs. 88.6%).

Indiana University:

• Using the entering cohort from 1999, 95.3% of students who studied abroad graduated within 6 years as compared to 68.5% of students who did not study abroad.
• Study abroad students earned higher grades and completed degrees in four years at a higher rate than their peers.
• The average study abroad student earned a cumulative GPA of 3.21 compared to 3.12 for peers who didn’t study abroad.
• Study abroad students had a probably of .91 of completing a bachelor’s degree in four years compared to .84 for peers.
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities:
• Of Fall 2003 freshmen, 64.5% of those who studied abroad graduated by their 4th year, compared to 41.0% among non-study abroad students.
• 33.3% of this cohort dropped out by the 4th year compared to only 6.0% of those who studied abroad.
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Supplemental/supportive reading on how Study Abroad parallels and Supports your community college organizational mission/vision/objectives of Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate students at a higher level

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Thank You,

Jeff Myers,, 1-919-795-9264

Tom McDonald,, 1-608-788-5144