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Results: Districts, Schools - MSM, LLC

Results: Districts, Schools


Results: Student Success, Performance Improvement, Report Cards – Districts, Schools

Results -Are you wondering how a specific educational  institution has been historically preparing their students for sustained student success, performance improvement outcomes?

Review the information below. I will be adding to this on an ongoing basis. If you find information specific to performance improvement that can be added to this list please let me know and I’ll add it, as appropriate.

Note that some of these lists limit themselves to butts in seats information like, admissions, retention, and graduation, the real objective of education is measurable advanced student success, performance improvement outcomes; measured, documented:relevant curriculum, relevant adaptive learning methodologies, relevant graduation, relevant job placement, relevant sustained individual student contributions to society.

The above items may be lacking, but they are critically important to understanding if and how an education organization will directly assist you in receiving a positive return (outcome) on your educational investment (time, money and opportu

Results: Student Success, Performance Improvement, Report Cards – Districts, Schools


Results -Are you wondering how a specific educational  institution has been historically preparing their students for sustained student success, performance improvement outcomes?

Review the information below. I will be adding to this on an ongoing basis. If you find information specific to performance improvement that can be added to this list please let me know and I’ll add it, as appropriate.

Note that some of these lists limit themselves to butts in seats information like, admissions, retention, and graduation, the real objective of education is measurable advanced student success, performance improvement outcomes; measured, documented:relevant curriculum, relevant adaptive learning methodologies, relevant graduation, relevant job placement, relevant sustained individual student contributions to society.

The above items may be lacking, but they are critically important to understanding if and how an education organization will directly assist you in receiving a positive return (outcome) on your educational investment (time, money and opportunity cost).


Validate your Schools Historical, Documented, Student Success, Performance Improvement Outcomes, Before You Decide, Enroll, Invest


Ensure that YOUR Education Investment, Ensures YOU with Relevant Skills, after Graduation


Ensure that YOUR Education Investment, Ensures YOU with Relevant Skills, after Graduation

Results – Higher Education:

Salary Surfer

Student Success Scorecard

“More than 90 percent of graduates placed in jobs, or graduate school within a year of graduation. In fact, 2015 University data indicated a 97 percent job/grad school placement rate for 2014 University graduates”… Education must be much more specific on documenting relevant, individual student, graduate,  job placement, outcomes, that result  in relevant,  individual student performance improvement outcomes, that achieve sustained, relevant, individual student, contributions to society

“College Factual offers an alternative, in rankings, data, analytics, recruitment and marketing. Our goal is to get students into the colleges and majors that fit them best so they can graduate on time and begin careers they are passionate about. We want to work with colleges to make that dream a reality”

  • College Pick
    • A Website Dedicated To Helping Students Pick A College Based on Career Success & Income Potential 
  • College Presidents: Rankings Least Vital Measure of Success

These institutions from the U.S. and nearly 60 other countries have been ranked based on 12 indicators that measure their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations. Students can use these rankings to explore the higher education options that exist beyond their own countries’ borders and to compare key aspects of schools’ research missions. These are the world’s top 750 universities.

See the methodology 

Results – Primary and Secondary Education:

The Herzog Foundation

The Problem; More Supporting information HERE and HERE:

U.S. Education Spending and Performance vs. The World [INFOGRAPHIC]

U.S. schools making little progress in improving student achievement

Statistics on American K-12 Public Education

John Stossel’s ‘Stupid in America’

U.S. Education Statistics Compared to Other Countries

U.S. Education Spending Compared to Other Countries

If America Spends More Than Most Countries Per Student, Then Why Are Its Schools So Bad?

Education in the United States

Blended Learning Directory for K-12 Blended Learning Programs

The Solution; More Supporting information HERE and HERE

Educationally Innovative

Is YOUR School One Size Fits All, or is it Educationally Innovative?

Has YOUR School Accessed, System Wide, the Appropriate Tools to Empower ALL Students with Relevant, Effective, Efficient, Consistent, Affordable, Sustained, Student Success, Performance Improvement Outcomes?

If not, you should ask them why they haven’t

Education Equality Index

       Family Minded: The Best U.S. Public High Schools by State

Jobs for the Future


Publications and Tools

McKinsey&Company Through US News and World Report

Education Rankings


Find a Montessori School in Your Area

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools – NAFPCS

The Charter School Data Dashboard

National Student Clearinghouse

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

High School Benchmarks 2015: National College Progression Rates

One Size Fits ALL, or Educationally Innovative?

Is YOUR School One Size Fits All, or is it Educationally Innovative?

Has YOUR School Accessed, System Wide, the Appropriate Tools to Empower ALL Students with Relevant, Effective, Efficient, Consistent, Affordable, Sustained, Student Success, Performance Improvement Outcomes?

If They are Not Educationally Innovative, You Should Ask them Why they are Not

The Nations Report Card

The Stanford Education Data Archive (SEDA) is an initiative aimed at harnessing data to help us—scholars, policymakers, educators, parents—learn how to improve educational opportunity for all children

Achievement Gaps and Racial Segregation: Research Finds an Insidious Cycle

US Department of Education

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Quality Counts 2017 – Report and Rankings

December 2015 Progress Report

No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

School-Level Assessment Data in Reading and Math for All Schools

State Report Cards:

Teacher Pay Per State. Compare to student success outcomes (report cards) in each State:

(Note that pay exceeds salary – Add-Ins: Funded Retirement, Generous Health, Life, Dental and Vision Plans, LOTS of time off, “guaranteed employment” and  little, if any accountability for results)

Eagle County school board approves raises for all teachers, staff (includes pay grid)

The Ontario Government has released its annual ‘Sunshine List’, officially known as the Public Sector Salary Disclosure, listing Ontario public service and broader public sector employees who were paid $100,000 or more in 2021.

Quality Counts 2015: State Report Cards Map

Quality Counts 2015: State Report Cards Map

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