SIS-LMS-LCMS – K-12 Research Report: Newsletter, Issue #28, 4/27/16

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Apr 282016

SIS-LMS-LCMS, K-12 Research Report, Newsletter, Issue #28, 4/27/16

Educationally Innovative Software: SIS, LMS, LCMS, Comprehensive Research Report – Executive Summary

Student Success – Newsletter Archive

Your Changing Landscape:

Consistently, effectively and efficiently, advancing relevant, student success outcomes, which directly and measurably result in individual advanced, relevant, adaptive, student performance improvement outcomes, is the new 21st Century, deep learning, directive and paradigm change.

SIS-LMS-LCMS  – Systemically changing traditional education paradigms from incumbent, one size fits all teaching, to educationally innovative, advanced student success, 21st Century deep learning outcomes, will not occur, consistently, effectively, efficiently, or be scalable, without professionally facilitated, educationally innovative ‘technology’ ( Where ‘technology’ is: Professionally facilitated, that seamlessly integrates, research driven and market measured best practices, delivered over common devices, in a blended and flipped learning environment, with the defined, strategic objective of measurably, advancing individual student, relevant, student success outcomes, that result in individual student, sustained, relevant, adaptive skills, that advance relevant individual performance improvement outcomes)

Your Defined Student Success Objectives:

First, you need to collectively define your desired student success outcomes. Working backwards from those defined goals and objectives, you then need to choose an integrated SIS-LMS-LCMS that integrates those research driven features that empower you to achieve these defined outcomes for you and for your students. Here are a few high level SIS-LMS-LCMS features that we think are important to look for:

Educationally Innovative, Integrated, K-12 Solution

Student Success Focused, Consistent with Your Mission/Vision

Scalable, Easy to Use Interface, Configurable IT Platform (e.g. .Net)

Analytics Capabilities and Dashboard(s); provides the ability to use student attainment data to determine your individualized education programs, resulting in advanced student success outcomes

Integrated, Educationally Innovative

Your Strategic, Desirable, Possibilities: 

Integrated SIS-LMS-LCMS

Integrated LMS/LCMS

LMS – Multi- tenant capabilities:

Mothership Portal provides a portal for district administrators, to which the sub-sites are linked. This enables administrators to manage their tasks across multiple sites from one location

Ability to message centrally (emergencies, early interventions, location specific, individual specific communications)

Open Source (Code is readily available for configuration)

How You Should Use this Report:

First, define what you want to accomplish. Then, require your integrated SIS -LMS -LCMS to deliver on these defined objectives. Each software system goes about things slightly differently and some dramatically differently. Innovative platforms should follow proven research, best practices, be configurable (allow you to modify the software, somewhat, so it fits your unique needs) as well as scalable (able to grow with you, as you grow) and have documented success, in your vertical (references). Software platforms more and more are SaaS (Software as a Service – You essentially rent the software and it’s hosted in the cloud), which provides you certain advantages. Software that you own and is hosted on your server, is becoming less and less common, due to disadvantages. Additional details on each product offering and the scheduling of software demos is available as an additional service.

What’s in Your Report:

This research report, in its entirety, focuses on four strategic, innovative education technology, arenas, that will empower K-12 School Districts, Schools, Administrators and Teachers to advance student success outcomes:

18- Innovative, Integrated, SIS (Student Information System Providers), with Integrated, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) –Listed Alphabetically

1 – Innovative, Integrated, SIS Providers, with future plans to Integrate a LMS –Listed Alphabetically

30 – Innovative, Integrated, SIS Providers, with the potential of Integrating an Innovative LMS –Listed Alphabetically

42 -Innovative LMS’s and LCMS’s that will integrate with your Innovative, Integrated SIS-Listed Alphabetically

The entire report is 13 pages in length. It includes ~ 91 Vendors, ~285 Hyperlinks that will get you to specific, relevant supporting, vendor information. You will also have complete access to my website, 1,100+, and growing, third party posts, which will define 21st Century Learning terminology for you and provide you with relevant, credible, supporting, third party research.


Let me help you with: ‘what you don’t know you don’t know’



Could This Be You?






You Have My No-Risk, Preview, Guarantee:

If after previewing the research report and within 24 hours of purchase, you don’t think it’s worth the “poultry” investment of $5.00, tell me why and I’ll return your full investment.

(A full investment refund, requires on your part, returning the original document to me and agreeing that the information within the document, cannot be retained, or used in any way).

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Pricing is Available for Group Sharing Applications 

As part of your purchase process, you will receive a URL to the research document

ANY and ALL questions, please call me at 608-788-5144 to discuss

Supporting, Relevant Information:

A Call to Action to Improve the Quality of Full-Time Virtual Charter Public Schools > National Alliance, 50CAN, NACSA

A Guide to Picking a Learning Management System: The Right Questions to Ask

A Meta-Analysis and Review of  Online Learning Studies, US Department of Education: Comparing Classroom Teaching to Online Teaching

Alive in the Swamp: assessing digital innovations in education  

Americans Spending At Least $1.5 Billion in College Remediation Courses; Middle Class Pays the Most

Artificial Intelligence In Education: Don’t Ignore It, Harness It!

Avoiding the Bright, Shiny Objects and Focusing on Outcomes

Best Practices Education

Best Practices for Evaluating Digital Curricula

Cost Comparison – Caterpillar: Instructor-Led Vs. eLearning (2005)

Center for Data Innovation

Charter Sector Needs Infusion of New Ideas, Says a Charter School Advocacy Organization > The Center for Education Reform

‘Charter vs district school’ isn’t the argument stakeholders should be focused on

CoSN Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Tool

  • Tool helps school technology leaders understand the costs associated with the computing environment. Versions of this free web-based tool have been used by over 2,000 public school districts, independent schools, and state and regional agencies.

Cost to Develop Learning

Culture Change: How 200+ K-12 Schools Have Scaled Systems and Processes 

Data Innovation – Which Are the Best States for Data Innovation—and How Can Other States Learn From Them?

Differentiated Instruction

Digital ed tech pricing library brings transparency to procurement

Dispelling common myths on how to improve student achievement

“Disrupting Traditional PD.” Practice What You Preach!

Digital Promise

Ed-Tech Pilot Framework

Sharing the Results of the 2016 Research-Based Products Campaign

League of Innovative Schools

Educationally Innovative: What is Educationally Innovative?

Education Businesses Take On K-12 Market Complexities

Ed Dept unveils new ed tech evaluation tool

Education Change Teaching to Learning

Empowering Students Success

Finding What Works in Learning: A Rubric for Analyzing Research Studies of Curricular Programs

Five Tips for Breaking Into the Ed-Tech Professional Development Market

Forgetting Curve and Why it’s Important to Student Success Outcomes

Four PD Trends to Expect in New Year

Percent of Ed Tech Leaders Surveyed Whose Districts Have Invested in Personalized Learning: 97%

In a study of 49 schools, Lea(R)n Trials found that 37% of purchased online literacy and math program licenses were never even activated; an additional 28% of licenses were activated, but usage goals were never hit. In fact, only 5% of users “fully” hit all usage goals, as shown below

K-12 Districts Wasting Millions by Not Using Purchased Software, New Analysis Finds

More than $1 Billion in K-12 Ed-Tech Licensing Fees go to Waste

Hattie Ranking: 195 Influences And Effect Sizes Related To Student Achievement

Piagetian Programs

How to Select a Learning Management System; FORRESTER REPORT

How to Scale Personalized Learning

Incremental vs Revolutionary Transformation: How School Innovation Works, the case of New Tech Schools

Infographics; If a picture is Worth 1,000 Words, What are 1,500+ Pictures Worth?


The One Type of Leader Who Can Turn Around a Failing School

Learning Management System Market Expected to Grow $10.5 Billion in Next 5 Years

Measuring student progress, new digital solutions, personalized learning, and more

Michio Kaku Says Education Needs a Revolution > ISTE 2016

9 Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning

One Size Fits All

Online Teaching vs Online Learning

Paradigm Paralysis

Pedagogy Ed Tech

Performance Support: What is the Role of the New Learning Facilitator?

Pinterest; 1,500+ Student Success Pins

Professional Development

Re-Designing American High Schools for the 21st Century


Research Available, BUT Not Properly Utilized

Research shows 3 ways going digital improves student performance

Ambient Insight Research

International eLearning Market Research

The 2016-2021 Self-paced eLearning Market: Global, Traditional, One Size Fits All,  eLearning Market is in Steep Decline , as are Legacy LMS’s (One size fits all, 20th century teaching, is being replaced by educationally innovative options, that measurably advance individual student, deep, adaptive, sustained, 21st Century learning outcomes)

Digitial Worldwide English Language Learning Market

Game Based Learning Research

Global Mobile Learning Market Research

Results: Districts Schools

Return on Investment Calculations – Documented, Results

RFPs Reveal District, State Priorities

Rise Above Your Silo Mentality with Technology Implementation.

Sales PI: What it takes to advance sustained, individual, performance improvement outcomes

State-of-the-art education software often doesn’t help students learn more, study finds

Note: For advanced student Success to Occur (1) A ‘revolutionary’ paradigm shift must occur from teaching to learning AND (2) The adaptive, educationally innovative, software MUST be correctly chosen and correctly facilitated in a 21st century, blended and flipped learning environment. Maintaining bits of one size fits all teaching and introducing bits of 21st century learning has been classroom proven, again and again, TO NOT ADVANCE, relevant, sustained, individual, adaptive learning, performance improvement outcomes

Project-Based Learning: 7 Ways to Make It Work

Competency-Based Education Practices and Students’ Learning Skills, Behaviors, and Dispositions

” Key Findings: One of the most striking findings of the study was that the implementation of competency-based education practices was neither comprehensive nor uniform, varying greatly across and within both groups of schools. Many teachers in schools that had not explicitly adopted a competency-based education approach nonetheless reported using practices associated with competency-based education. This suggests that the distinction between competency-based and more traditional models is not as sharp as expected, and that practices may fall along a continuum, even across classrooms within a school”.

Project-Based and Place-Based Learning in New Tech Schools

12 Onramps for Personalized and Competency-based Learning

…”Systems will likely get into trouble if they attempt to make just a few aspects of their models competency-based, while retaining an otherwise traditional structure.”…

…”She suggests a “sandbox” approach to rethinking curriculum—that is, allow an autonomous team from the district to rethink a new curriculum from scratch that is not beholden to existing models, scope and sequence, or publisher content”…

Get the Culture Right: The Most Important New School Factor

Stop asking whether laptops improve learning outcomes

Strategically, Habitually and Perpetually, Missing the Real Problem

Student Success Software

Teacher Effectiveness – K-12

Teach for Mastery – Not for Test Scores

Teachers’ Union Faces Backlash Over Publication on Personalized Learning

Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK)

The “Average Student” is a Lie

The complexities of learning

The Health of the Charter Public School Movement: A State-by-State Analysis > National Alliance

The Paradox of Classroom Technology: Despite Proliferation and Access, Students Not Using Technology for Learning

The Teacher Curse No One Wants to Talk About

Three more reasons why US education is ready for investment

Time it Takes to Develop Learning

Tom’s Posts: What does educationally innovative software look like?

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Using Technology to Personalize Learning and Assess Students in Real-Time

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