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Instructional Design Archives - MSM, LLC
Jul 132012

Learning Research: Using Good Research to Improve Your Practice

By Patti Shank, July 12, 2012, Via Learning Solutions Magazine

“When asking people questions rather than directly measuring, make sure to ask questions they can and will answer! (We too often ask people to answer things they cannot or will not answer.)”

Good learning research helps you improve your practice and make decisions. For example, let’s say you want to know how long you should make the videos in a current eLearning project. The client says 15 minutes is fine. You know that’s way too long but you need research to back you up. But what research should you use to convince her? Well, good research, of course.

This month I’ll begin to help you determine what is good research. A few months ago I added the role of Research Director at The eLearning Guild to my plate. And a large part of my role as Research Director is about bringing you research you can use to improve your practice and make decisions. But I also want to help you become a better user of learning research in general.

So this month, I’ll start by reviewing some of the important things to consider when looking at learning research.

Sample size


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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

learning research, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC