Jul 102012

Education Reform: The difference between live and taped lectures

Education Reform: Valerie Strauss, 07/06/2012. The Washington Post

Education Reform: This was written by Arthur Camins, director of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J.

Education Reform: By Arthur Camins

Some intended learning sticks with us, some slips away into oblivion and most hovers somewhere in between. The determinants are nuanced and complex. In all of the current enthusiasm for so-called flipped classrooms and the wonders of the Khan Academy’s online lectures these distinction are often overlooked.

Part of the flipped idea is appealing and based on what is known from research in the learning sciences about the social nature of learning: Use class time to maximize learning that comes from active problem solving and the social interaction among students and between students and teachers. [Flipped classrooms have students learn their lessons at home via videos and other materials and do ‘homework’ in class.]



TomMcDonald’s Comments:

Thanks Arthur for your article.

We must follow the brain based, research proven, market proven, learning methodologies that most effectively and most efficiently advance individual long term, critical, must know, learning.

Where long term individual learning = appropriate, effective, efficient: understanding, fluency/mastery, recall, application…advancing long term strategic individual and organizational objectives.

(1) You tell us of your college learning experience

We know that each individual brings to the table differing experiences and differing knowledge. We also know that the time it takes for individuals to learn new information differs.

The proven learning research is solid that the most effective and efficient individual learning methodology is ” instructor facilitated, truly personalized learning over time, with instructor facilitated, truly personalized, reinforcement, over time, in an instructor facilitated, blended learning environment over time”.

We know that the lecture can inspire, as was your experience, but it’s poor for individual learning.  A recorded lecture is generally no better for individual learning.

Our benchmark for learning must be research proven, market proven, individual learning methodologies. Unfortunately we have yet to realize this and continue with band-aid fixes that are not research nor market proven.

The Kahn Academy is a step in the right direction, especially with the interactive, individualized elements within each classroom, but it hasn’t gone far enough to parallel what the proven learning research is strongly suggesting.
We know what to do (the proven learning research is copious) and we have the tools to do it, but we continue to implement  unproven methods that end up not working
Would we accept this approach in medicine, sales another discipline? Of course not, but we seem to be okay with it in education, even though we are paying for each costly mistake that could be avoided

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education reform, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC