Education Reform: Teachers, Parents Want More Technology
Education Reform: Most teachers say they need additional training to use tech tools effectively
Education Reform: By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor, September 11th, 2012, Read more by Laura Devaney
Student engagement emerged as a large issue in the survey, with 92 percent of teachers and 89 percent of parents saying that helping students become more engaged and active participants in their own learning is a critical or very important objective.
Whatâs more:
- 91 percent of teachers and 85 percent of parents said making closer connections between the classroom and the real world is critical.
- 86 percent of teachers and 83 percent of parents responded that exposing students to different perspectives or ways of thinking about topics is critical.
- 86 percent of teachers and 87 percent of parents said students should have access to more hands-on learning opportunities.
A majority of both teacher and parent respondents said technology also canâŠ
- Offer real-time feedback on student performance.
- Help tailor individual/flexible learning to each student.
- Offer more hands-on learning opportunities.
- Offer closer connections between the classroom and the real world.
- Make students more active and engaged.
- Extend learning opportunities beyond school hours.
Tom McDonald’s Comments:
The addition of teacher facilitated technology that advances individual, long term, learning outcomes will be a huge benefit to teachers and students.
As I have mentioned in the past, this teacher facilitated, advanced learning outcomes technology must follow proven learning research by being truly personalized and individually reinforced over time, in a blended learning environment.
What DOES NOT advance individual learning outcomes? One to many teaching, distributed to individual students over cool technology (tablets, smart phones, laptops, whiteboards)
For individual advanced learning outcomes to occur, traditional one to many teaching pedagogy must change to advanced/accelerated learning pedagogy (F2F and online, ideally integrated into the learning software)
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