Education Reform: Diving Into How Students Learn Best

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Jul 312012

Education Reform: Diving Into How Students Learn Best

Education Reform: By Nancy Hoffman, Adria Steinberg, and Rebecca E. Wolfe; Published Online: July 31, 2012

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Education Reform: In a fortunate turn, advances in research and theory are emerging at a long-awaited moment in U.S. education: the agreement of 46 states and the District of Columbia to adopt the Common Core State Standards. The standards were developed with the recognition that global socioeconomic imperatives, combined with the dizzying pace of technological innovation, create new urgency for the development of engaging and challenging ways to educate our nation’s young people.

Clearly, getting the common-core content right and figuring out how students should demonstrate its mastery is a huge task, yet the conversation must simultaneously address how students are to develop the skills required to learn and to apply those lessons in life. The sine qua non is to adopt learning strategies that engage all students, including those who have been most underserved.

education reform

Tom McDonald’s comments:

education reform


Thanks for this article

We must learn, follow and integrate into the classroom, brain based, research proven, classroom proven, learner centric, learning methodologies, to advance ALL individual student learning (below grade/traditional/gifted), in the most effective and efficient way possible.

All of the proven learning research supports the new learning model: ” Teacher facilitated, truly personalized learning, over time, with teacher facilitated, truly personalized reinforcement, over time, in a teacher facilitated, blended learning environment, over time”.

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The reason that this is so successful is that it seamlessly integrates brain based, research proven, classroom proven, learning methodologies into the software so that each and every student has a teacher facilitated, consistent, truly personalized, effective and efficient learning experience.

Ready made content (Math/ELA) can be included, or the software can be adjusted to allow each student to enter their choice of critical must know content, creating a truly personalized, adaptive learning system.

Another advantage, directly because of the above, is that content takes 50% less time to create.

Iinstructor facilitated, truly personalized learning technology is available, affordable, scalable and classroom proven, to advance all learners learning outcomes.

For more information, access:

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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

education reform, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC