Jul 112011
Building Learning Relationships
Building learning relationships must be our first priority, they must be protected and nurtured. |
Within a managed learning environment, like a school, initial responsibility for learning relationships lies mainly with the teacher for preparing the learning environment and resources. As the learning progresses a steady transition of ownership should pass from teacher to student. The student teacher relationship is critical in ensuring this transfer occurs in a managed way.  Should the desired transition be set back student progress and an increase in teacher stress, both unwelcome, can result.In this simplified model, which excludes the teacher/parent and student/parent elements, the leadership provide a shelter under which the teacher and student can develop their learning relationships safely.It is the formation, maintenance and strengthening of these relationships which is important to ace-d.ace-d can help students, parents and teacherswork together and build effective partnerships.ace-d can work with school leadersto develop the shield which ensures the safety of the partnership and an appropriate relationship.When this model is successfully implemented learning is enhanced and creativity is encouraged. |
Creating the ideal learning relationships through accepting responsibilities
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Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752