Jul 202014

Study Abroad and Gaining Students

California Community College Student Outcomes, Study Abroad, Research Project:

“Students who study abroad have a 17.8% higher 4-year graduation rate. Students-of-color who study abroad have a 17.9% higher 4-year graduation rate. In particular, African-American students who study abroad have a 31.2% higher four-year graduation rate and African-Americans who study abroad achieve 6-year graduation rates that are roughly the same as white students who study abroad (84.4% vs. 88.6%). Additionally, students who study abroad have higher grade point averages in their subsequent and final semesters, with the improvement in GPAs most pronounced among students who entered colleges with relatively lower SAT scores and high-school grades (glossari.uga.edu)”

Expanding Education Abroad at U.S. Community Colleges (Whitepaper #3):

“The community college mission emphasizes direct learning experiences to teach cognitive and social skills. Few educational
opportunities offer as direct and immersive a learning experience as education abroad. Thus, education abroad is directly aligned with the community college mission; contributes to credit transfer,career and technical preparation and community education; and is student-focused”

Building a Culture and Systems that Support Student Success; A Plan for Significantly Improving Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates at UMass Boston:

“Improving student success must be the university’s highest priority if we are to achieve the goal of becoming a great student-centered, urban public research university. Failure to improve undergraduate graduation rates may undermine the university’s aspirations in other areas by weakening its reputation and even its financial well-being”.

“The Graduation Rates Committee believes that campus work on improving graduation rates is at the very core of our mission and identity, and must therefore be a central focus of our strategic efforts”

Your direct, Student Success benefits are overwhelming! What are you waiting for? Give us a call to discuss how easy this is to implement

Not ready yet? Sign up for your Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate your Students at a Higher Rate/Study Abroad Newsletter

Supplemental/supportive reading on how Study Abroad parallels and Supports your community college organizational mission/vision/objectives of Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate students at a higher level

When you are interested in discussing real life examples of travel connecting to Student Success, please contact us:

Thank You,

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net, 1-608-788-5144

Study Abroad,  Common Questions and Answers

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