Jul 202014

Study Abroad and Engaging Students

Study Abroad, Graduate on Time:

“study abroad is a “high-impact educational practice” that can contribute to increases in student engagement and retention”

Your direct, Student Success benefits are overwhelming! What are you waiting for? Give us a call to discuss how easy this is to implement

Not ready yet? Sign up for your Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate your Students at a Higher Rate/Study Abroad Newsletter

Supplemental/supportive reading on how Study Abroad parallels and Supports your community college organizational mission/vision/objectives of Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate students at a higher level

When you are interested in discussing real life examples of travel connecting to Student Success, please contact us:

Thank You,

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net, 1-608-788-5144

Study Abroad,  Common Questions and Answers

Home Page>Study Abroad and Community Colleges