Jul 192014

Why to Strategically Implement a Community College Study Abroad Program:

How Studying or Working Abroad Changes The Way You Think

Wake Tech Community College-a

Wake Tech Community College-b

Salt Lake Community College

Cedar Crest College

State Center Community College District

IIE Study Abroad White Paper Series

Ohlone College

Community College Education Abroad Foundation and Future Concerns – See more

University of Kentucky -Strategic Plan for Internationalization

Owens Community College

Mass Bay Community College

Bergen Community College

Mohawk Valley Community College

Your direct, Student Success benefits are overwhelming! What are you waiting for? Give us a call to discuss how easy this is to implement

Not ready yet? Sign up for your Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate your Students at a Higher Rate/Study Abroad Newsletter

Supplemental/supportive reading on how Study Abroad parallels and Supports your community college organizational mission/vision/objectives of Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate students at a higher level

When you are interested in discussing real life examples of travel connecting to Student Success, please contact us:

Thank You,

Jeff Myers, jmyers3726@earthlink.net, 1-919-795-9264

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net, 1-608-788-5144