Digital Learning: Sal Khan Video Lecture on Digital Learning
Digital Learning: In his trademark style, Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, walks viewers through the many ways digital technology can impact teaching and learning in a blended learning environment.
Tom McDonald’s Comments:
This is consistent with my prior comments in aligning individual, student, long term, learning with the brain based, research proven, classroom proven, learning methodologies that advance individual learning, long term;
Where Individual Long term, Learning = Teacher facilitated, Appropriate: initial understanding, ongoing reinforcement, fluency/mastery, recall (eliminating forgetting), application, stick/behavior change, in the most effective and most efficient way possible.
This is also consistent with the ‘new long term learning model‘:
The New Long term, Learning Model:
(1)Â Instructor facilitated, truly personalized, learning methodology, over time, (2) With instructor facilitated, truly personalized, reinforcement, over time, (3) In an instructor facilitated, truly personalized blended learning environment, over time, Â (4) Supplemented by truly personalized learning technology.
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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752