Jul 082012

Education Reform: 21st Century Classroom

Click the infographic below to enlarge. Click here to download it as a printable PDF.


Tom McDonald’s Comments:

This is a real interesting graphic, but it really doesn’t address the problem with learning and how technology enables learning by integrating brain based, research proven, market proven learning methodologies

If learning is our objective, we need to follow the proven learning research (understand, then implement)

(1) “81% of teachers believe tablets enrich classroom learning”…These are some carefully chosen words.. Does traditional one to many teaching (recorded lecture, pdf file, textbook, video) add much to individual learning? The proven learning research, along with school experience says no, if learning = long term individual: understanding, recall and application of critical must know information.

Traditional one to many teaching is not aligned to how people learn. Delivering traditional one to many teaching individually over a device is not personalized learning and does little if anything to advance individual learning (traditional teaching is delivered faster and information access is bettered)

There is no personalization, and no personalized reinforcement over time, which the research reflects creates individual long term learning.

Truly personalized learning over a tablet? You bet! Traditional teaching over a tablet – misguided, focusing on the unproven learning technology, hoping a learning miracle will happen.

Guess what, the learning research reflects that one to many learning over a tablet is not effective, nor efficient and a learning miracle will not happen unless research proven pedagogy happens first and then is delivered over the device.

(2) 86% of students believe they study more efficiently with tablets

Their perception is their reality, but if they don’t know what effective and efficient learning is (teachers don’t know, how will students know), they are living an illusion.
There is a research article within my website identifying that what students think advances learning effectiveness and efficient does not. If its not research proven it does not effectively and efficiently advance individual learning (there might be some marginal gain to improved attitude, but huge long term gain in individual, critical must know learning – nope)

We know what is proven to work, we know we need to learn what is proven to work, we know what we are doing now is not working, but we continue to do what we’ve done, but deliver it faster.

The research is solid and copious…there are no shortcuts to effective and efficient individual learning and that proven learning methodology must come first and then it can be delivered personally via supporting technology

What if the learning technology was teacher facilitated, truly personalized and integrated brain based, research proven learning methodologies, individually for students with individual course plans, spacing, pacing and reinforcement over time?

Would delivering personalized content, with personalized reinforcement over digital devices advance learning? Yes it would. And interestingly enough it is available and has been available since 2000.

We need to embrace change, learn about proven learning research, implement only research proven, market proven methodologies and deliver same over digital devices

This is the only sequence that the research validates to advance individual learning for all students (at risk/below grade, traditional, gifted)
For those interested in brain based, research proven, market proven learning visit:
Search 900+ Unique Posts on Learning, Personalized Learning, Learning How to Learn, Learning Research, Learning Transfer, Blended Learning, eLearning, Personalized Learning Technology, Sales Performance Improvement, Human Capital Performance Improvement and much, much, more



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Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

education reform, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC