Oct 042011

US Students Ill-Prepared for Working World

US Students: By Dennis McCafferty on 2011-09-27

US Students: No child left behind? Hardly. Executives in the United States say young people are inadequately schooled in the essentials needed for professional life, according to a survey commissioned by Global Partnership Schools and GEMS Education from Pricewaterhouse Coopers. It doesn’t help that government officials generally do not invite input from business leaders. In China, though, businesses say the local education system is superior in preparing students for a professional career. “This is something that governments must fix quickly as students are increasingly in competition with graduates from other countries for global jobs,” says Manny Rivera, CEO of U.S.-based Global Partnership Schools for GEMS. “The rise of countries such as China [
] means that the global economy has a huge amount of growth to offer. The countries that are the most skilled are likely to reap the most rewards.” More than 400 global executives took part in the research. To access the survey reports, click here and click here Survey, US Students, Summary:

  • Ill-Prepared
    • Only 17% of global senior executives surveyed say their government education systems are preparing students “very well” for the business world.
  • China Beats U.S.
    • 43% of U.S. business leaders feel that students are prepared well for the workplace, as opposed to 74% of those in China.
  • Lack of Input
    • 65% of U.S. execs say officials offer little to no opportunity for input on education, compared to 14% of execs in China who feel this way.
  • Don’t Call Us
    • 37% of U.S. respondents say the government isn’t really concerned about not working with business to improve education.
  • Winning Together?
    • 54% of U.S. corporate leaders say the business sector should work with or lobby government directly to build employee talent.
  • Customized Approach
    • 68% of U.S. senior execs say it’s important to work with private providers to customize individual employee education needs.
  • Top Areas of Improvement Needed
    • Work habits (cited by 78% of U.S. respondents)
    • Basic skills (63%)
    • Performance potential (54%)
    • Knowledge base (51%)
  • Most Important Skills for Future
    • Increased technological capability (cited by 34% of U.S. participants)
    • Higher aptitude for innovation (20%)
    • Increased multi-lingual capability (13%)
    • Deeper tech skills (13%)
    • More autonomous work habits (11%)



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