Oct 102011

Personalized Learning: Panel Examines Ed Tech, Personalized Learning

Personalized Learning: Participants discuss policy’s impact on U.S. innovation

TomMcDonald’s Comments:

Effective, efficient, research based and market proven, personalized learning technology is currently available that provides the following

Personalized Learning: By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor, eSchool News, October 7th, 2011

Read more by Laura Devaney

personalized learning

Educators must figure out how to use digital technology to engage and instruct students.

Education policy in the United States should change and adapt to digital technologies that make personalized learning a reality, agreed a number of panelists during an Oct. 6 Brookings Institution discussion.

Greater access to high-quality education is much-needed, said Darrell West, a Brookings Institution senior fellow and the panel moderator, during “Educational Technology: Revolutionizing Personalized Learning and Student Assessment.”

“Technology innovation represents an important part of that overall puzzle,” he said. “Technology has the potential to improve education by personalizing learning, enabling different forms of student assessment, and making class time more flexible.”

Panelists discussed the different ways in which educators and stakeholders can leverage educational technology in the classroom to enhance learning.

Personalized learning

Personalized learning environments are extremely helpful when it comes to addressing each student’s unique learning needs, said Chip Hughes, executive vice president of school services for online-learning provider K12 Inc.

“Students working at their own pace 
 aren’t bound by the circumstances of all the other students in the room,” Hughes said.

personalized learning



Using Technology to Personalize Learning and Assess Students in Real-Time:



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personalized learning, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC