Expanding Education Abroad at U.S. Community Colleges (Whitepaper #3)

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Jul 182014

Expanding Education Abroad at U.S. Community Colleges (Whitepaper #3):

White Paper #3 in IIE’s Policy Research Series on Meeting America’s Global Education Challenge (2008):
“Students from America’s community colleges continue to be underrepresented in study abroad.
While the number of students at community colleges participating in study abroad for academic
credit has grown substantially in recent years – over 6,000 community college students studied
abroad in 2005/06 – less than 3 percent of those who study abroad are community college students”

“Education abroad at community colleges has several key characteristics that distinguish it from education abroad at
four-year institutions, and these differences necessitate a distinct approach to expanding study abroad
opportunities for community college students”

“The community college mission emphasizes direct learning experiences to teach cognitive and social skills. Few educational
opportunities offer as direct and immersive a learning experience as education abroad. Thus,
education abroad is directly aligned with the community college mission; contributes to credit transfer,
career and technical preparation and community education; and is student-focused”

According to the American Council on Education (ACE) publication, Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses: 2008 Edition, 73 percent of community
colleges did not include a commitment to internationalization in their mission statements in 2006, and 80 percent did not include internationalization as a top priority in their strategic plans.15 The IIE/CCIE survey indicates that even those colleges with internationalization strategies may not always include education abroad as a central component of the internationalization process (Fig. 6)


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Supplemental/supportive reading on how Study Abroad parallels and Supports your community college organizational mission/vision/objectives of Student Success: Gain, Engage, Retain and Graduate students at a higher level

When you are interested in discussing real life examples of travel connecting to Student Success, please contact us:

Thank You,

Jeff Myers, jmyers3726@earthlink.net, 1-919-795-9264

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net, 1-608-788-5144