Jul 262011

Students Learning: Studies Find Students Learning More by ‘Acting Out’ Text

Students Learning: Published Online: July 12, 2011
Students Learning: Published in Print: July 13, 2011, as ‘Acting Out’ Text Found to Promote Students Learning
Researchers found that elementary school students working through narrative math problems were less distracted by irrelevant information if they used a computer program to act out the text by moving images on-screen.
—Arthur Glenberg/Arizona State University

Students Learning: By Sarah D. Sparks, Via Education Week

While most readers might think of curling up in a quiet place with a good book, a new series of studies suggests young students learning may be advanced more if they take a more active approach to reading.

A series of experimentsRequires Adobe Acrobat Reader by researchers at Arizona State University in Tempe and the University of Wisconsin-Madison suggests that students can understand and infer more by physically acting out text—either in real life or virtually—than by reading alone.

In the most recentRequires Adobe Acrobat Reader of the experiments, published in the June issue of the journal Scientific Studies of Reading, researchers found that elementary mathematics students who acted out text in word problems were more accurate and less distracted than those who didn’t.

“We know that children have difficulty doing story problems” in math, said Arthur M. Glenberg, a psychologist and the studies’ lead author. “The idea is if we can help children understand the story better, they will understand the story problem better.”

students learning


Related Students Learning Information:




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