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Sales - Reinforcement Archives - MSM, LLC
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Sales Training: Integrating Sales Training and Sales Implementation for Advanced Sales Participant Performance

Sales Training: By Tom McDonald, Principal, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC, 03/02/12

“Jonathan Farrington identifies that sales training is not working in a very high percentage of cases – 85-90%”

“There are a number of reasons that 85% of sales training initiatives have little to no impact on performance after 90-120 days.” 

“Effective coaching hits the bottom line. Research shows that salespeople receiving great coaching reach on average 102% of goal, in contrast to salespeople reporting poor coaching who achieve only 83% of goal.”

“Preliminary results of our 2012 Sales Performance study show that 64% of survey takers need over 7 months to make a new sales rep fully productive
Our research also shows that coaching sales reps is the #1 key to helping reps ramp up.” 

Our collective goal in sales training is to advance individual sales performance consistent with strategic individual and organizational objectives.

This is easier said than done, but it can be done.

Up until now there has not been available an affordable, scalable, web based solution that integrates sales training (individual learning, over time) and sales implementation (individual coached reinforcement, over time) to advance individual sales performance improvement.

Access this downloadable report, below. Read about an innovative, integrated, solution to this critical, ongoing, disconnect between sales training and sales implementation, that ties sales training  to sales performance improvement, consistent with defined strategic, individual and organizational objectives.


To Discuss how these Solutions will add value for you, your organization and/or your clients, Affinity/Resale Opportunities, and/or Collaborative Efforts, Please Contact:

Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

sales training, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC