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A successful company starts with investing in its people Archives - MSM, LLC
Apr 252012

Human Capital Development: A successful company invests in it people

Human Capital Development: By Doris Nhan on April 24th, 2012 |Via SmartBrief

SmartBrief is partnering with Big Think to create a weekly video spotlight in SmartBrief on Leadership called “VIP Corner: Video Insights Powered by Big Think.” This week, we’re featuring Jim Quigley, senior partner of Deloitte.

It’s easy to say that your company is committed to developing its talent, but actions still speak louder, said Jim Quigley, the senior partner and former CEO of Deloitte.

As the economy and job forecasts begin to improve, what will keep your top talent from jumping ship? The answer, Quigley said, is what you’ve invested in them — namely in the development of their careers and them as people. Quigley cites Deloitte University, a $350 million leadership and development as one example of actively investing in the company’s employees.

The hardest part about developing your people is maintaining the laser focus and remaining committed for the long haul. But it’s essential to do so if a company wants to succeed in the future, Quigley said.

“We must invest in building the capability of our people. And if we don’t invest in building their capability, they’re going to go someplace else where they think someone will,” he added.

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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

Human Capital Development, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC