Aug 022012

Performance Support: The Impact and Role of Performance Support

Performance Support: The Impact and Role of Performance Support: Conrad Gottfredson

Performance Support: By Bill Brandon, August 1, 2012
“Performance support is vital to anyone, whether they’re developing eLearning or classroom instruction – anyone in our profession. If they don’t face performance support and address it, they stand the chance of failure because we can’t guarantee that people can make the leap from learning to actually doing it on the job.”

“What is performance support, and why does it matter?” At mLearnCon 2012 in San Jose, Karen Hyder and Mike Sloat asked Conrad Gottfredson to explain.

This short video introduces the vital role that performance support plays in transferring learning from the classroom to performance on the job. Conrad answers five key questions:

  • How is performance support going to impact organizations?
  • How has performance support changed over the years?
  • Why is performance support important to eLearning and training professionals today?
  • Isn’t looking things up on the Internet the same thing as performance support?
  • What will you be presenting at the Performance Support Symposium?

Click below for the supporting video.

performance support

Tom McDonald’s Comments:

performance support

Where individual long term, learning, = initial understanding, ongoing reinforcement, fluency/mastery, recall (eliminating forgetting), application, stick/behavior change, in the most effective and most efficient way possible

Performance support takes individual understanding to the next steps in the above formula, ultimately connecting individual performance improvement to strategic, individual and organization long term objectives.

Traditionally and historically this has been where the training fall off occurs.

Note that instructor facilitated, truly personalized, learning technology solves these issues affordably, cost effectively and efficiently.



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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

performance support, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC