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Homework Problem?

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Jan 082016

Homework Problem?

Homework Problem – America, We Do Not Have a ‘Too Much Homework’ Problem

homework problem

The Fins, on average have 24 minutes of homework, per day and outperform us. Our one size fits all teaching does not work for our students. It’s time we change paradigms from teaching to learning.


Homework Problem – Tom’s Comments:

Homework Problem -All the research validates that traditional education is focused on the institution at the expense of the students.
Unfortunately, traditional education’s one size fits all paradigm puts the pressure to advance performance directly on the students, but does nothing to empower them to advance performance more effectively, or more efficiently (they are still digging that ditch with a shovel vs. a backhoe).
What we hear is “you need to apply yourself…work harder’ . WE need to empower them to work smarter.
Traditional education MUST change NOW to become student centric; to provide students with more efficient and more effective ways to deep learn, must know information. Educators MUST become key information, ongoing, individual student, facilitators to empower students with adaptive learning skills.
We’ve lost focus in education, as to why education exists: to transfer key skills, to each and every student, so they can adequately function in society and contribute to society.
We’re not doing that. Why? Because one size fits all teaching, (the incumbent factory based model) does not work…Students don’t learn adaptive skills that way and the research is clear they won’t ever learn adaptive skills that way.
EVERY traditional paradigm, “teaching” educator says THEY are successful, they are student centric, even though their traditional methodology is flawed and the data suggests otherwise.
The solution is to focus on students and student success, the ONLY reason education exists. Relevant content, effective and efficient deep adaptive learning, paradigm change from teaching to learning.
An ineffective and inefficient system of teaching benefits the teachers at the direct expense of their students.
We know what to do. We now need to engage traditional educators to embrace proven, effective and efficient, student centric, education reform methodologies and research proven, best practices pedagogy (seamlessly integrated into software, delivered to individual students on devices).
The problem is traditional teaching…It’s not 21st century adaptive learning, and never will
be. There simply is TOO much to learn to continue with a flawed system of teaching that doesn’t provide, effective, efficient, individual student, deep, adaptive learning

With K-12, overall ranking a “C” grade, we simply ARE NOT successful. How is YOUR school doing? The data tells what’s really happening:…/education-rankings/



Caroline Bermudez joined Education Post as its Senior Writer and Press Secretary after eight years as a journalist. She was Staff Editor at The Chronicle

Homework Problem -If this op-ed from The New York Times is to be believed, American education suffers from placing overambitious expectations onto children, subjecting them to grueling schedules of AP classes combined with hours and hours of homework and extra-curriculars.

Vicki Abeles, a filmmaker who helmed the documentary “Road to Nowhere,” writes that such punishing environments are driving children to anxiety and depression because they are buckling under the weight of all the pressure to succeed, to win acceptance into the right college, to land good jobs.

Pedro Noguera, a professor of education at UCLA, wrote a review in The New York Times praising Abeles’ book on the crippling stress students face, writing, “She points out that homework has been around for centuries, but since when did it become normal for children as young as 6 and 7 to be burdened with hours of it each night?”

Except available data doesn’t bear out this assertion—and it is just that, an assertion, with no evidence supporting Noguera’s claim—of children buried under piles of assignments, crippled by the weighty expectations thrust upon them by their schools.

What ails American education isn’t a surfeit of demands, but a lack of them.

It’s worth asking what sorts of schools create these intense environments for students. The school Abeles cites in her op-ed, Irvington High School, in Fremont, California, is a highly rated magnet school that does not receive Title I funding since only 18 percent of its student body qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch. We are not exactly talking about the typical American school here.

The phenomenon Abeles and Noguera depict couldn’t be farther from the truth of what goes on at most schools, especially those serving students of color and the poor. These kids aren’t getting crushed with homework and AP/IB classes to get them ready for Stanford; they’re probably being told they’re lucky to snag a low-paying retail job after graduation. The expectations set for them are so low, these children are discouraged from even thinking college, let alone Stanford, is a viable option.

Jay Mathews, a longtime education reporter for The Washington Post, took on the homework myth, a fiction that persists thanks to the attention-grabbing headlines periodically popping up in newspapers and magazines when they deign to cover education in any meaningful way. (Note that Silicon Valley schools such as Irvington, paragons of affluence with kids by the dozen vying for spots at the Ivies or Stanford, tend to be part of these stories.)

According to Brookings Institution scholar Tom Loveless, the national conversation about homework has been hijacked by a small group of people—about 15 percent—determined to reduce after-school assignments even though most of us think the homework load is fine or should be heavier.

During the past three decades, the homework load “has remained remarkably stable,” Loveless said, except for 9-year-olds “primarily because many students who once did not have any now have some.” He said, “NAEP data do not support the idea that a large and growing number of students have an onerous amount of homework.”

The Brookings report further elaborates on the misleading, and rather unpopular, narratives perpetuated by the anti-homework contingent:

Homework Problem -Read the rest of the article, here

For other erroneous arguments click Here

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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752 homework problem
