Spaced Repetition: Help Your Learners Remember Everything Through Spaced Repetition
Spaced Repetition: By Richard Nantel, October 17, 2011
Tom McDonald’s Comments:
The individual path to critial information learning fluency, in the shortest time possible, is a truely personalized approach, using research proven learning methodologies.
Spaced repetition is one of those research proven methodologies. So is deliberate practice, distributed practice, differentiated instruction, cognitivism, Â personal learning environments, and others including the most recent Brain Rules by John Medina.
The best individual learning outcomes, in the shortest time possible, occur with a personalized, blended learning approach, instructor facilitated, incorporating personalized learning technology that integrates proven learning methodologies into the technology, truely personalizing each participants learning experience – (true individualized course plans, and true individualized spacing, pacing and reinforcement).
I was introduced to the concept of spaced repetition in a 2008 Wired magazine article about Piotr Wozniak, a memory expert. Spaced repetition is a technique where a learner reviews learning content at specific intervals. This learning practice is based on research that indicates that the best time to review information is just when youâre about to forget it.
Spaced Repetition: Review information too soon and youâre wasting your time. Review the information too late and itâs like youâre learning it for the first time since it has already been forgotten.
Spaced repetition is an immensely powerful method to learn anything that needs to be memorized. Itâs a highly effective way, for example, to learn languages. Consider using this technique for any subject where the learner canât easily access performance support material on the job. The bottom line is that if it needs to be memorized, use spaced repetition.
The Absorb LMS has a feature that automates spaced repetition. Itâs called the Post Enrolment Trigger.
The Post Enrollment Trigger is available for any learning event in the Absorb learning management system; whether it be a course, a video, a classroom-based event, a Webinar, etc. This feature provides an automatic way to have content to review presented to a learner at a specific time.
In the example illustrated above, a learner will automatically be enrolled into a new learning eventâideally a short reviewâten days after completion of a course. The learning event into which the learner is automatically enrolled, can, in turn, have its own Post Enrollment Trigger that enrols the learner into a third learning event 20 days later. (Spaced repetition best practices indicate that the interval between learning events should increase with time.)
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Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752