Training Evaluation: Balance between using quantitative and qualitative data in training evaluations
Training Evaluation: Balance between using quantitative and qualitative data in training evaluations
Training Evaluation: Many times evaluators struggle with the balance between using quantitative and qualitative data in training evaluations. I like to use both. However, the element that determines what type of data I use always comes back to the purpose of the evaluation and the questions that evaluation will answer. These two things determine what types of data are needed and how to collect it. It is rare that I do not use both data types.
I view quantitative data as the “business end” of the training evaluation. Senior executives are used to see data in charts and graphs and like Impact Data in those forms. I use an Impact Dashboard exclusively for these types of data. I always use qualitative data with Impact Evaluation – I view these as the “heart and soul” of the Impact and have found Seniors Executives gravitate more to these than the charts and graphs.
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