Nov 292016

Educator Facts – Are We Okay with Traditional Educations, Status Quo, Which is Documented, Mediocre, Student Success, Performance Improvement, Outcomes?

Educator Facts – Educators, Where Do You Get Your Facts that Support your Opinions that Support your Traditional, 20th Century, Teaching Methodologies?

Educator Facts – Trigger Warning: For those of you that are so fragile that you need to be to be protected from the facts, which may differ significantly from your opinions, this post will upset you and was intended to do so. Look at this post as your 21st Century adaptive, deep learning, reality check.

Educator Facts – By Tom McDonald, November, 29, 2016

Educator Facts -Unsubstantiated opinions are not facts, no matter how loud you say them,  how often you say them, or how much you and others choose to believe them. FACTS always trump opinions. Where are your facts that support your opinions? Education has taught us to expect this much.

Your colleagues, even though you may agree with them, may be sharing unsubstantiated opinions

Strategically, what is YOUR objective, consistent with your employer, your students and the funding public? Is it advancing, sustained, student success, performance improvement outcomes, for ALL your students? I certainly hope so.

IF so:

Are your colleagues and their facts aligned with this objective?

Is your union and their facts aligned with this objective?

Is your leadership and their facts aligned with this objective?

Are YOU and your facts aligned with this objective? i.e., Are you and your strategic, daily efforts, aligned with advancing this advanced, student success, sustained, performance improvement objective for ALL of your students?

Do you believe that tenure, collective bargaining, and/or your one size fits all teaching paradigm, measurably and directly contributes to advancing ALL of your students, sustained, performance improvement outcomes? If so, please substantiate this with credible, third party research, facts/documentation, along with your website that aggregates this positioning.

Where do you access educationally innovative information that measurably empowers you, to measurably empower your students with documented, advanced, student success, performance improvement outcomes? Only from your colleagues? Or, only from sources that align with your one size fits all, mediocre, student success, performance improvement outcomes, status quo?

I’ve spent multiple years putting together, up to this point, a free website, that provides you with 24/7 access to third party credible research, but for the most part, you just don’t care. Why is that? Is it because, you think you know it all, even when you don’t know what you don’t know; you just don’t care; you are waiting for someone else to fix the problem; or are you waiting for another subset of the real problem to be fixed first, as a diversion from the real problem, which is essentially not caring? It’s sad that I have to say this, but the problem is too important to wait for ‘someone else to fix’

IF your students and the funding public are upset with “you”, it’s YOUR chosen profession, funded by the public and your students, that’s not currently and not strategically focused on ALL of your students advanced success and sustained performance improvement outcomes i.e. ‘your’ strategic objective. It’s time that “you” embraced, research driven, best practices, fact based, positive change.

Your expert credibility and the public’s respect of your expertise, is substantially being eroded, if your opinions remain self-serving and do not align with the facts, as well as your organizations mission/vision and the proven, third party, best practices, research. Your students and the funding public are painfully aware, that your status quo position, does not align with their desired, advanced, success outcomes. After all, aren’t you being paid to be the expert in this arena? Or, is it always someone else’s problem and/or someone else’s fault?

I’ve done more than my part aggregating, FREE, third party, best practices, educationally innovative, documented research, that measurably advances, sustained, student success, performance improvement outcomes. How are you doing YOUR part by not accessing, understanding and implementing this relevant, critical, key information? Isn’t knowledge power? Isn’t our collective goal to measurably improve and document advanced, student success, performance improvement outcomes?

I’m interested in your thoughts on how we can collectively and measurably advance, sustained, student success, performance improvement outcomes, within this trillion dollar, traditional, education industry, beyond the incumbent, mediocre status quo.

As I see it, there are ONLY two Viable positions here (1) Measurably advance, sustained, student success, performance improvement outcomes, or (2) Maintain the incumbent, status, quo, mediocre, student success, performance improvement outcomes at an ever increasing cost. I don’t see any middle ground, since the best practices, research, supports a complete and total paradigm change, simplistically stated, FROM incumbent, 20th century, one size fits all teaching, TO 21st Century, deep, individualized, adaptive, reinforced over time, learning.

I’m here to help you with (1) above. If you wish to contribute to my efforts, send me relevant, credible, third party research, that is consistent with this objective. I’ll post this relevant, credible, third party research to to my site.


Could these unsubscribe emails be you responding to my offer of FREE, K-12, educationally innovative, third party research, that measurably advances , sustained, student success, performance improvement, outcomes? Or, have I, God forbid, shared something that isn’t relevant to your defined, education, strategic objective????

Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 10:01 PM
Subject: Please unsubscribe my address below; I’m not interested in educationally innovative ways to advance student success outcomes

Superintendent,  Public Schools



Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 4:51 PM
Subject: Please unsubscribe my address below; I’m not interested in educationally innovative ways to advance student success outcomes

Charter School Director

New Orleans, LA  =============================================================================

Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 4:06 PM
Subject: Please unsubscribe my address below; I’m not interested in educationally innovative ways to advance student success outcomes


Director Charter Academy



Does this New Yorker Cartoon represent how you support traditional educations, mediocre staus quo?

IF you are wondering how well YOUR school is doing, reference this data. IF you were going to YOUR school, would you be satisfied? I hope not. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. please let me know how I can help you be less mediocre.

educator facts

Could this be you? I’m here to help you become more, effective, efficient, consistent and affordable. Which means less mediocre. Are these things you wish to achieve, so you are able to empower ALL of your students to be successful? I certainly hope so. Please let me know how I can help you, help your teachers, help ALL your students.

educator facts


Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

educator facts