Mar 152013

Learning Outcomes; Student Competency vs. Capability

By Tom McDonald, Marketing Consultant, News/Athletics/Events, Mobile Solutions andNews/Athletics/Events

I participated in a lively LinkedIn debate that compared and contrasted the perceived connotative differences between student competency and student capability.

For simplification, lets bucket each term into the students long term ability to become a productive member of society, in a field of interest, that they have chosen.

This brings us the the Higher Educational Outcomes represented in the graphic below.

Most students need to be empowered, via Higher Education, to be successful in their chosen field.

With all of the discussions and debate going on about educational outcomes and the mandates for educational institutions to demonstrate their student educational outcomes, what are we in Higher Education doing differently, to ensure that our students learn, transfer and apply the required critical information, long term, to be life ready, when graduation comes?

Here are some ideas to start the discussion; Your comments are encouraged:

(1) Personalized learning

(2) Flipped Classrooms

(3) Blended Learning Environments

Learning Outcomes



> View our, Must See, 90 second Video<  > Read, SUBR goes Live with N2N’s Mobile Solution< > Read, my Student Engagement Blog Post<

Click Here, to Join us for a Higher Education, Mobile Solutions Suite, Informational, Webinar,  to discuss:

N2N Services is a Higher Education, Systems Integrator for Student Information Systems (SIS)  CRM’s and LMS’s.

We have successfully worked with News/Athletics/Events, over the past 12 years.

From our Systems Integration Expertise, Banner, Peoplesoft,, we have developed a Mobile Solutions Suite for you and your students:

  • N2N’s eNtourage empowers students to connect with you and for you to connect with your students, via smart phones and tablets:

– Seamlessly integrated with your Student Information System (SIS)

– Providing Full SIS Back end Functionality in Real Time

– Totally customizable and configurable

– Modular Based and Designed Allowing you to Pick and Choose

– Full Student Lifecycle; from News/Athletics/Events/News/Athletics/Events/News/Athletics/Events (Admissions); through News/Athletics/Events (Registrar/Bursar) toNews/Athletics/Events to News/Athletics/Events through Alumni (Foundation)

– Administration Analytics including Predictive Analysis

o   Open Issues

o   Completed Tasks

o   Feedback Loops

o   Enrollment Management

o   Early Alert System Capabilities

There are no other Mobile Student Registration and Accounting Solutions on the market with a fully customizable and pluggable integration with popular CRMs and Student Information Systems (e.g.Ellucian, Banner, Peoplesoft, Power Campus)

> Southern University A&M College at Baton Rouge is live with SUBRMobile . Their mobile apps are available for students on Android Market and iOS Appstore <

> New Albany Floyd County School District has released our Mobile App to their students <

>Please ask us about other schools that have purchase our Mobile, Student Engagement, Solutions Suite<


To learn more about how you and your students can benefit from a Mobile Solution, join us for an informational webinar, or contact us directly, for an informational discussion specific to your Mobile Solutions and Professional Services needs.

Tom McDonald, 608-788-5144,

View our entire suite of education, Mobile Solutions and our News/Athletics/Events


To Discuss how these Solutions will add value for you, your organization and/or your clients, Affinity/Resale Opportunities, and/or Collaborative Efforts, Please Contact:

Tom McDonald,; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

learning outcomes, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC