Jun 232012

Sales Training: Six sticky sales situations

Sales Training: Six sticky sales situations (and what to do about them)

Sales Training: By Heinz Marketing,  Thursday, June 21st, 2012

Sales Training: Note that #3 shows twice, so there are actually six great sticky sales situations

There are a handful of common sales challenges that, ironically, despite the fact that nearly every sales organization has them, few actively work to find or implement a solution. Why? Some of these challenges are so universal, so consistently held, so timeless even, that there’s an all-to-common assumption that these “sticky situations” can’t ever be completely solved, and simply need to be worked around.

So let’s challenge that assumption. Below are six particularly sticky sales situations, that vex the most sophisticated and successful sales organization worldwide (let alone the rest of us). In each, we’ll attempt to outline solutions or alternatives to make progress where process in the past has eluded most of us.

1. You don’t want to micromanage your sales team, but also wonder if what they’re doing is really working

sales training



Related Sales Training, Sales Performance and Learning Performance Improvement Information:

Sales Performance Improvement: Interactive Decision Engine

  • Sales Presentation Toolset
  • Improve retention of your message by up to 38%
  • Reduce the time taken to explain complex issues by up to 40%.
  • Advance participant persuasion by as much as 43%
  • Be perceived as more professional and Develop audience belief
  • Sway your audiences beliefs up to 67% more
  • Achieve your goal up to 67% of the time vs. 33%..A 100% Increase!

Sales Performance Improvement: Seven Tools:

  • (VI). Set More New B2B Sales Appointments:
    • Historical Competency Improvement of: 596%
    • Historical Training ROI of: 1148%
    • For every Training Dollar ‘Loaned’
There is a Client Return of $11.48
    • (Completely Based on The Clients Sales Numbers
Pre and Post Training)

Sales Performance Improvement: Learning Roleplay and Transfer:

  • More Stimulation per Minute of Study
  • 300% Improvement in Retained Learning per Hour of Study
  • 11% less study time, 22% less test time, and 95% higher test scores
  • “Management reported a 300% increase in sales, within a 6-month period after training”
  • “Management reported negotiated contracts that earned the company an extra two million dollars in profit per negotiator over the previous year”.

Sales Performance Improvement: Employee Selection and Employee Development:

  • Increase productivity and sales from 20 to 60+%
  • Reduce Turnover from 15 to 50+%

Sales Performance Improvement: Integrating Sales Training and Sales Implementation:

  • Advance long term, Individual learning, individual learning transfer, individual learning application and individual behavior change up to 300%

Strategic Performance Improvement Consulting:

  • Oversaw learning measurement-training evaluation strategy for the 18 Department of Defense Intelligence (DoD) Colleges
  • Guided Booz Allen’s Learning & Development (L&D) leadership in developing solutions for improving the delivery of enterprise-wide, self-paced training courses.
  • Implemented BOA’s first-ever comprehensive measurement strategy around its learning programs based on business impact, adoption and penetration, critical feedback, and an approach to using benchmarking to compare results.
  • Invented and championed Technology Assisted Sampling Tool for Evaluation (TASTE), an innovative tool to enhance productivity

Personalized Learning Technology:

  • More Stimulation per Minute of Study
  • 300% Improvement in Retained Learning per Hour of Study
  • 11% less study time, 22% less test time, and 95% higher test scores

What is an Intelligent Tutoring System?

  • More Stimulation per Minute of Study
  • 300% Improvement in Retained Learning per Hour of Study
  • 11% less study time, 22% less test time, and 95% higher test scores

Behavior Change:

  • Including…How Long does it take to change a Habit?

Blended Learning:

  • Why does Blended Learning Advance Individual Learning and Individual Learning Transfer (Application)?

Learning Technology:

  • What is learning Technology and Why does it Advance Learning in a Teacher Facilitated, Blended Learning Environment?

Two Models for Educational Technology

  • One to Many
  • One to One

One to Many vs. One to One:

  • Which Approach is Research Validated to Advance Individual Learning?

Education and Accelerated Learning:

  • What is Accelerated Learning and Why does it work?

Learning About Learning:

  • Why is Learning Important?

How to Transfer Training (Learning):

  • What does it take to Transfer Learning and why is Learning Transfer Important?

The New Learning Model with Supporting Research Validation:

  • More Stimulation per Minute of Study
  • 300% Improvement in Retained Learning per Hour of Study
  • 11% less study time, 22% less test time, and 95% higher test scores

Search 800+ Unique Posts on Learning, Personalized Learning, Learning How to Learn, Learning Research, Learning Transfer, Blended Learning, eLearning, Personalized Learning Technology, Sales Performance Improvement, Human Capital Performance Improvement and much, much, more


Learning Optimized, Behavior Changed, Performance Advanced

My deliverables to you are: (I) Improved Learning Outcomes and Increased Competence; a. Retention to fluency (95% vs. 28%), b. Behavior change through accountable reinforcement, c. Improved application, d. Advanced individual performance and e. Advanced organization performance.

You will ensure that every person reaches true mastery* in the shortest amount of time. Mastery* produces people who have the adaptive reasoning skills required to effectively apply knowledge to new situations.

*Mastery is required where appropriate information application is critical to achieve a desired outcome; For example, Education: K-12, Higher, Corporate, Government; Medical; Medical Continuing Medical Education – Performance Improvement; Safety; Sales Performance; Aviation; Military; Individual Certifications and Individual Continuing Education.

McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC, Specialties:

Appropriate Application; Behavior Change; eLearning; Employee Selection and Employee Development; Human Capital Management; Individual Performance Improvement; Learning Performance Improvement; Learning Retention and Reinforcement Improvement; Organization Performance Improvement; Workforce Development and Productivity; Verbal Skills Simulation and Reinforcement; Sales Performance Improvement; Web-Based (SaaS/Cloud) Solutions

To Discuss how these Solutions will add value for you, your organization and/or your clients, Affinity/Resale Opportunities, and/or Collaborative Efforts, Please Contact:

Tom McDonald, tsm@centurytel.net; 608-788-5144; Skype: tsmw5752

learning management systems, McDonald Sales and Marketing, LLC