Jun 252012

Enterprise Sales: Ideal Enterprise Sales App

Enterprise Sales: Five Components of the Ideal Enterprise Sales App

Enterprise Sales: by Jim Steger  |Published on June 22, 2012



Enterprise Sales: In this article, you’ll learn…

  • Key ingredients of an effective sales app
  • Why your sales apps should include CRM, presentation, and offline capabilities

enterprise salesMaintaining focus and consistency across a far-flung enterprise sales force isn’t easy. More than ever, sales teams need seamless access to a scope of selling resources—all of which need to have been designed to accurately represent the brand and its products to buyers in complex market environments.

Enterprise-grade mobile apps can equip sales teams with a set of high-impact selling tools. In addition to delivering wins in productivity and employee morale, a well-built enterprise sales app offers a distribution channel via smartphone or tablet for updated marketing collateral and sales content, ensuring that the organization’s frontline sales personnel always have the most current information at their disposal.

But for maximum utility and return on investment (ROI), enterprise sales apps need to be built for one or more specific use cases. Because one-size-fits-all apps simply aren’t capable of achieving the results associated with world-class sales agendas, brands need to adopt a custom approach, incorporating a handful of essential enterprise app characteristics into highly functional mobile sales solutions.

Five Essential Elements of Enterprise Sales Apps

A strong enterprise-grade sales app is calibrated to a brand selling agenda as well as the organization’s unique culture and tolerance for technological change. If pursuing a corporate sales app is even a consideration, pay special attention to the following five elements.

Read more: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2012/8224/five-components-of-the-ideal-enterprise-sales-app#ixzz1yq37Niab



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